



Who Can Join

The Mission of CS4IL Is BOLD

World-class K-12 Computer Science Education In Every School, Throughout Illinois

In a state with over 850 school districts – each with its own needs, strengths, and challenges – such a bold mission is best accomplished when leaders from around the state come together in support.

CS4IL extends its work as Illinois’ sole hub for expanding world-class K-12 Computer Science Education into every Illinois school district statewide through the formation of the CS4IL Coalition. Since its inception, the individuals who have served and led CS4IL have worked hard to create and to grow this Coalition connecting leaders spanning a vast range of public and private organizations.

The CS4IL Coalition is not “owned” by CS4IL (or any one entity), but rather is a group of leaders who join us both in formal quarterly meetings to take on real barriers to providing real access to CS Education, and informally in support of each other’s missions.

If you wish to join the CS4IL Coalition and be among the discussions that lead to change, contact us at and mention “Coalition” in the subject line. 

“National and state leaders now recognize the importance of computer science and information technology to our state and regional economies. The knowledge and skills students learn in computer science and IT classes are essential to every industry, from manufacturing to agriculture to medicine. Computing skills are changing our students from being technology consumers to becoming creators and innovators in the global economy.”

- Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, in Bridging the Computer Science Gap: Five Actions States Can Take, Page 1, Southern Regional Education Board, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Does the Coalition Meet?

The coalition meets four times a year with the purpose of creating actionable steps to move Illinois along as a state.

Coalition Membership Benefits?

As a coalition member, you have a voice in critical conversations that increase awareness of and ultimately help drive policy toward further expansion of CS Education.

How Can I Become a Member?

To become a member, contact us directly at or click the button below and fill out the form. You will be contacted by CS4IL with information on next steps.

Join the Coalition!

Who Can Join The Coalition?


In summary, joining a computer science coalition offers organizations networking and collaboration opportunities, influence and advocacy channels, access to information and research, visibility and recognition, professional development and capacity building, community engagement and outreach, as well as opportunities for collaborative projects and funding. Being part of a coalition allows organizations to contribute to the advancement of computer science education, expand their networks, and increase their impact in the field.

For more information, call (847) 736-9651 or email



Organizations: Why You Should Consider Becoming Part of The Computer Science Coalition
  1. Networking and Collaboration: Joining a computer science coalition provides organizations with opportunities for networking and collaboration with other stakeholders in the field. It allows organizations to connect with educators, researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals who share a common interest in advancing computer science education. Collaboration within the coalition can lead to valuable partnerships, joint initiatives, and shared resources.
  2. Influence and Advocacy: Being part of a computer science coalition gives organizations a collective voice and a platform for advocacy. By joining forces with other members of the coalition, organizations can advocate for policies, funding, and support for computer science education. They can contribute to shaping the educational landscape and promote the importance of computer science in schools and beyond.
  3. Access to Information and Research: Computer science coalitions often serve as a hub for information and research in the field. By becoming a member, organizations gain access to valuable resources, research findings, best practices, and emerging trends in computer science education. This knowledge can inform organizational strategies, program development, and decision-making.
  4. Visibility and Recognition: Being part of a computer science coalition can enhance an organization’s visibility and recognition within the computer science education community. It demonstrates a commitment to advancing computer science education and positions the organization as a reputable and engaged stakeholder. This can lead to increased visibility, networking opportunities, and collaboration with other organizations and institutions.
  5. Professional Development and Capacity Building: Computer science coalitions often offer professional development opportunities for their members. Organizations can benefit from workshops, training sessions, conferences, and resources that help build their capacity in computer science education. These professional development opportunities can enhance the organization’s expertise and effectiveness in supporting computer science initiatives.
  6. Community Engagement and Outreach: Joining a computer science coalition enables organizations to engage with the broader community, including schools, parents, policymakers, and industry partners. It provides a platform for organizations to showcase their programs, initiatives, and resources to a wider audience. This community engagement can lead to partnerships, increased support, and broader impact in advancing computer science education.
  7. Collaborative Projects and Funding Opportunities: Computer science coalitions often initiate collaborative projects and secure funding opportunities that organizations can participate in. These projects and funding opportunities provide avenues for organizations to contribute their expertise, resources, and solutions to address challenges in computer science education. They also help organizations access additional funding to support their initiatives and expand their impact.

Partners & Stakeholder

Below is a partial list of stakeholder partners already committed to serving as a part of our statewide coalition. We are frequently adding to this list, and we are always looking to add to it.