About Us
Who We Are
Our Vision
Board of Directors

Pictured: CS4IL at 2022 Illinois State Fair
Who We Are
Incorporated in 2018, CS4IL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit coalition and capacity-builder dedicated to achieving an equitable world-class K-12 Computer Science education for every student, in every school, throughout Illinois.
CS4IL is the only state-level organization within Illinois’ vast educational ecosystem with its sole focus in scaling K-12 Computer Science education. We are also the only state-level member organization of the Code.org Advocacy Coalition and the national CSforAll Consortium.
At the systems level, CS4IL has collaborated with numerous public-funded, nonprofit, and industry partners in together completing a vast array of projects in the K-12 education space across Illinois. We were an active partner in the launch of the first Illinois Statewide Summit in Computer Science (and several subsequent Summits thereafter), in the launch of the state’s first CS PD Week, on numerous advisory committees and working groups facilitated by the Illinois State Board of Education and related agencies, and in co-hosting a number of teacher-centered networking events with such partners as IDEA (the Illinois Digital Educators’ Alliance), CSTA (the Computer Science Teachers’ Association), and DPI (Discovery Partners Institute).
CS4IL was the first organization in Illinois to step forward in launching and facilitating a Coalition aiming to bring leaders of the most influential state and national organizations in K-12 education together with the singular objective of advancing equitable access to K-12 Computer Science statewide, by working together, and not in silos. The Coalition is inclusive, expanding, and meets quarterly.
For more information, call (847) 736-9651 or email info@cs4il.org.
Our Vision
We equitably prepare all students and teachers for a tech-driven society through partnerships, coalition and initiatives throughout Illinois.
We see a bright future on the horizon for Illinois to emerge as the national leader in preparing all students and teachers for a society and an economy already driven heavily by technology.
Through our commitment to coalition-building across an array of interconnected stakeholder groups, our work, put simply, is to see that future come to life now.

Partner WIth US
In supporting school districts, teachers, students, industry leaders, community leaders, policymakers, and a host of other relevant and diverse stakeholders to normalize the study of computing as part of the K-12 academic core, we will achieve this vision.
By elevating the technical, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills of all K-12 students, we work to inspire and enable young people from all backgrounds to unlock their potential as the future leaders in both the use of emerging technologies, and the creation of new ones.
For more information, call (847) 736-9651 or email info@cs4il.org.
Our History
Law forming the Task Force was signed.
Illinois became among the most recent states to adopt computer science standards for K-12 education. These standards outline the knowledge and skills that students should acquire in computer science at each grade level.
Illinois Task Force
- Task Force was formed in 2017 with report released July 1, 2017.
- PA099-0647, Section 5: An Act Concerning Education (https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/publicacts/99/PDF/099-0647.pdf)
- The Illinois State Board of Education Computer Science Education Task Force published a report including findings on K-12 computer science education in Illinois and other jurisdictions, best practices in K-12 computer science education, and funding recommendations to support these best practices (https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Computer-Science-Education-Task-Force.aspx).
- Illinois CS ED Task Force Report This task force was led by Steve Svetlik, founder of CS4IL. The report was written by a coalition of numerous experts across both the education and tech ecosystems (https://www.isbe.net/Documents/CSETF-final-report-20170628.pdf).
CS4IL Incorporated
- Incorporation of CS4IL
- Legislation: House Resolution 853 declaring “Illinois school districts should teach computer science” received unanimous bipartisan support and was unanimously passed.
- Legislation: IL House bill 817 passed in the House
- First CS State Summit (U of I Urbana)
- CS4IL Illinois becomes a member of Code.org Advocacy Coalition and CS for All Consortium.
Partnerships Formed
- Second CS State Summit (Virtual, U of I Urbana)
- Partnership Formed: IDEA, DPI
- Over 20 districts served directly in consultation with CS4IL board members
CS4IL Coalition
- IL HB2170 is signed into law by Governor Pritzker
- Formal launch of CS4IL Coalition: Comprised of over 15 distinct organizations
- Several new partnerships formed
Education Standards
- K-12 CS education standards formally adopted by state (CS4IL was a key participant in assisting in the development / rollout of these standards).
- A K-12 computer literacy continuum was created to help teachers across every grade know what skills students needed to be successful (CS4IL was a key participant in assisting in the development of the continuum, and providing further guidance in how teachers could effectively use it in their own instruction across the curricula).
- A final draft review of the renewed ILTS Teacher Endorsement Exam occurred, with CS4IL again invited to assist in ensuring exam items accurately reflected needs of all Illinois school districts to deliver world-class K-12 CS Education.
CS4IL Partership Growth
- CS4IL is accepted into ECEP Coalition as a member organization.
- CS4IL partners with The Learning Technology Center (LTC) and Discovery Partners Institute (DPI) to co-facilitate Illinois’ first ever K-12 Computer Science Professional Development Week.
- CS4IL presents on “Computational Play” at Idea’s Summer “IDEAU”.
- CS4IL partners with the University of Illinois to do outreach work with K-5 teachers served by the Peoria Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Board of Directors

Steven Svetlik
Founder and President
Computer Science Teachers Association
Chicago Suburban Chapter
Founder and President Elect
2012 – Present
Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)
Computer Science Education Task Force
2017 – Present
Steven Svetlik
Founder and President
Steve founded CS4IL after discovering in July 2017 that no state-level advocacy group for K-12 Computer Science Education had yet existed in Illinois. With little more than a personal credit card, Steve decided to launch CS4IL in the spirit of creating a network of individuals and organizations spanning all regions of Illinois and representing the many stakeholder groups vested in the organization’s Mission to achieve a world-class Computer Science education for every student, in every school, throughout the state.
Steve is also founder and elected President of the Chicago Suburban Chapter of the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) since its launch in 2012, served as the elected Chair of the 2017 Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Computer Science Education Task Force. He was Principal Writer of the Report and Recommendations to the 100th General Assembly, working extensively with state and federal legislators on this equity issue of the highest order.
He also has served numerous organizations vested in this work, including the College Board, the National Math and Science Initiative, Code.org, Lumity, and Pearson Corporation.
Steve holds two decades of high school Computer Science teaching experience spanning a diverse array of schools, several years of experience as a school administrator across multiple high schools and is a first-generation college graduate in his family. Steve holds a Master of Science in Computer Science with a concentration in artificial intelligence from DePaul University, a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from Olivet-Nazarene University, and a Bachelor of Science (summa cum laude) in Secondary Mathematics Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Most importantly, Steve is blessed with two children and a wife who collectively remind him daily of the power of laughter, patience, and to truly be of service to others.
Contact Info
@CSForIL / @SvetlikCS

Caroline Sanchez Crozier
Caroline is the Founder & CEO of CSC Consulting Group, an IT service provider for 35+ years that specializes in working with schools, nonprofits, and small businesses to build and manage their IT environments. Leading the company in strategic directions and growth is the secret to her success. As a Latina tech entrepreneur, Caroline is part of the 1% Latina tech entrepreneur in the United States. She is often called a “unicorn” for her out-of-the-box innovative thinking and work style.
As a Latina small business owner, Caroline has passionately advocated for equity in education and technology, contributing to the empowerment of Latinx communities, the workforce, and policy. One of her professional highlights is receiving the prestigious Small Business Person of the Year Award from the U.S. Small Business Administration in the White House (given by President Clinton).
For most of her career, Caroline has dedicated significant time as a volunteer board member on a state and national level with the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the oldest and largest civil rights national organization for Latinos. She also founded and is the CEO of Latinx DLN – Digital Latinx Leaders, a nonprofit to increase Latinx representation and leadership roles in education, the workforce, and entrepreneurship.
Before Caroline’s entrepreneurial journey, she worked in the corporate sector as an auditor and CPA after being the first in her family and a proud immigrant to graduate from college. Caroline is married and has two sons and one grandson.
Contact Info
@csanchezcrozier / @cscconsultinggp / @latinxdln

Latinx Digital Leaders Now (Latinx DLN), Founder
2019 – Present
CSC Consulting Group, Founder
1988 – Present
Angeles Investors, Founding Member
2020 – Present
Volunteer Civic Leadership
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Member Illinois Broadband Advisory Council, 2022 – Present
- Illinois P-20 Education, Council Member, 2023 – present
- The City of Chicago, Digital Equity Coalition, Member, 2023 – Present
- CS4IL, Board Member, 2019 – Present
- League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), National Innovation & Technology Founding Committee Chair, 2021- Present
- League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), National Education Committee Chair, 2019 – Sept 2021
- League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Founding President Council 5238, 2002
- Illinois Secretary of State Illinois Literacy Foundation, Board Member, 2000 -2010
- Chicago Public Schools – Latino Advisory Council, Advisory Member, 2014 – 2017
- Network of Hispanic Administrators in Education (NHAE), Sponsor and Member, 2000 – Present
- Dominican University, Trustee, 2002-2011
- Chicago Workforce Board, Board Member, 2002 – 2011
- Chicago; Nacional Financiera (NAFIN). Advisory Member, 2005 – 2010
- ProMexico, Mexico, Board Member, 2010 – 2012
- League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Illinois Education Chair, 2002 – Present